Høyesteretts plass 1
Opprinnelig kalt «Justisbygningen». Arkitekt var Hans Jakob Sparre, og bygget ble reist etter arkitektkonkurranse i 1895. Stilen er monumental nyrenessanse. 4B Arkitekter AS og Beate Ellingsen AS sto for restaurering og innredningen da Høyesterett overtok hele bygget i 1996.
Foto: OHO
Supreme Courthouse
Originally termed the Justice Building, the courthouse was designed by architect Hans Jakob Sparre aler winning the architectural competition and was erected in 1895. The style is monumental Neorenaissance. 4B Architects and Beate Ellingsen Interior Architects completed the renovation design and interiors when the Supreme Court took over the whole complex in 1996.
Guldbergs vei 24,
0375 Oslo
Telefon: 993 55 793
Nettredaktør: reidun@openhouseoslo.org