Oscarsgate 84
Mikaelkirken er Kristensamfunnets kirke, oppført i 1990 i Steiner-inspirert arkitektur i goetheanisk stil. Asmussens arkitektkontor og Jan Arve Andersen var arkitekt, F. Fuchs bestemte fargebruk.
Andre byggetrinn startet i 2017 med Inspiris arkitekter. Alterbilde ved M. W. Gran.
Foto: Jan Arve Andersen
Michael Church and Sun Rose kindergarten
The Michael Church belongs to The Christian Community, erected in 1990 in the Rudolf Steiner-inspired style of the Goetheanum. The building is designed by Asmussens Architectural Office and Jan Arve Andersen, assisted by F. Fuchs for the color palette. The second stage of construction commenced in 2017 with design by Inspiris Architects. The alterpiece is by M.W. Gran.
Guldbergs vei 24,
0375 Oslo
Telefon: 993 55 793
Nettredaktør: reidun@openhouseoslo.org